Monday, September 10, 2007

Rubbing the Funny Bone

Well, today I did it. I registered for the Erma Bombeck Humor Writers Workshop in Dayton Ohio April 3-5, 2008. It starts on my birthday, and since the darling new granddaughter lives in Dayton, it seemed the Right Thing To Do. I've heard that during the workshop you do more laughing than is healthy for you. Garrison Keillor is a keynote speaker, so it should start with plenty of laughs, chuckles, guffaws, giggles, snorts, sputters, etc.


Marsha Ward said...

Wow! Your birthday, a cuddly granddaughter, and that great workshop, too? You're certainly doing The Right Thing, Janet. Way to go!

Unknown said...

Oh I wish I could go. Laughter is so awesome. Take good notes and be sure to share with us.

Tristi Pinkston said...

You're going to have so much fun, Janet! I hope you plan to take lots of notes and blog about it, so we can live through you vicariously!

C.J. said...

I love everything and anything that is funny. Garrison Keillor is great.

I tagged you for the middle name meme game. Have fun. Go to my blog for details.